Session 11: Council's Fury Report Report in Ormurgard | World Anvil
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Session 11: Council's Fury Report

General Summary

First task: Find and infiltrate the Council Meeting.   Meeting is in the arena in Havenport's decommissioned Lightning Rail tunnels. Same place as usual. Upon entering, a grand speech is being made in front of an audience of ~100, with occasional cheers. A large crimson curtain blocks a part of the arena. Behind the curtain is Mayor Bunkum Balderdash, bound and gagged.   Speech goes something along the lines of: "-and now, both halves of our grand plan have come into place! Even as we prepare for the sacrifice, our comrades above have entered the Library and are starting to burn it as we speak! With both blows dealt, the city will be leaderless and powerless, so taking over will be easy! But enough prattle; now for the sacrifice!" Curtain pulls back to reveal Bunkum and executioners enter.   When the party is revealed, the speechgiver says: "We have been found! Scatter to the winds, comrades!" Everyone flees, but three figures pop into the arena to kill Bunkum; Ava and Duncan recognize them as the people who killed her. Roll for initiative. (Use Drow Shadowblade statblock)   Upon saving Bunkum, he tells them to A) Get him out of here and B) protect the library.   Part Two: Save the Library (Use Titivilius (250 HP) and Drow House Captain statblocks. Change to have fire immunity and deal fire damage.)   Upon arriving at the library, smoke is billowing out of the 1st floor. People are fleeing the burning building via windows; DC 18 STR check to open barricaded doors. Not much has been burnt yet; but much is on fire. Area is lightly obscured, and at the end of each round, everyone makes DC17 CON save or takes 4d10 Fire damage.   Upon entering, three figures are seen lighting stuff on fire. They turn, taunt the party a little bit, and attack.   After battle, firefighters arrive to put out the fire. One day later, party is called to attend an award ceremony. Medals of Honor, cash prize, and Heroic Immunity are granted by Bunkum.

Rewards Granted

1000gp and Medal of Honor for Raquanda, Vee, Duncan Medal of Honor (Party is thought of quite highly in the city)
You Reap What You Sow
Report Date
12 Apr 2020
Primary Location

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