King Duri Character in Ormurgard | World Anvil
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King Duri


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

First born son of King Muri and Queen Inari of Areioland, King Duri grew up in Kaabu (Kah-bu). Even before Duri’s birth, King Muri (Mew-Ree) was widely regarded as the greatest ruling in the history of Areioland. When King Muri was a child, much of Areioland was at war with itself. Various claimants from different branches raised armies in a bid to take the Lion Throne. This period of warlords had lasted for three generations before Muri arrived on the scene. King Muri form a close alliance with another warlord named Mesa (Me-Sa). Mesa was a cousin of Muri’s but had a claim to the throne that was not as strong as Muri. Together this alliance swept aside all challenges and claimed the throne. On the day of the final battle, Duri was born.   Within the walls of Kaabu, Duri grew up in peace and tranquillity. When Duri was three years old, Mesa and his wife gave birth to a child named Musa (Moo-sa). These two boys were given the best tutors and mentors in all of the land. Duri and Musa were as thick as thieves and some of the royal court joked that the two were “joined at the hip”. When both of the boys reached the age of fifteen, their paths diverged. Duri was sent to the Royal College of Bahati and Heppni in order to gain more knowledge in the clerical arts, Musa was sent to the Royal College of the Arcane Arts.  

Rise to the Throne

After studying at the clerical arts for five years, tragedy struck both Duri and Musa. King Muri and Mesa where on a Royal Survey of the Realm when their caravan was ambushed by a slighted former noble. Both men were killed in combat with the noble. This event would later be known as the Massacre at Oxheads Pass. Being the royal issue, King Duri was quickly proclaimed as the new king of the Areiolandic People. King Duri’s first act as king was to appoint his longtime friend Musa as his head advisor. Enraged at the death of their fathers, Duri and Musa raised a force called the Retribution Army. Over the next year the pair lead the army in a crusade to eradicate the offending line of the royal family tree.   Areioland had two major exports which brought the country great wealth: Arcane Supplies and Salt. Control of these exports were divided among King Duri and Musa, Arcane Supplies were controlled by Duri and Salt supplies were controlled by Musa. Throughout most of King Duri’s rule, these exports were managed by Musa. In addition to the retribution campaign, the other major order of note during King Duri’s first year was the construction of massive trade fleets.  

Reign of Areioland

Following the construction of the trade fleets, great wealth flowed into Areioland. The Royal Family used this new found wealth on massive public works projects. Roads, temples, and Aqueducts were the main focus for most of the projects. After a decade of prosperous trade, a number of pirates came to the Areiolandic coast. This band of pirates took to raiding and holding hostage the trade fleets. In response King Duri took personal command of the navy. King Duri discovered that he had a great love for the sea and commanding ships. After a few years of fighting, King Duri offered amnesty for the pirates if they surrendered to his command.   With the pirate threat quashed, many expected King Duri to downsize the navy. Instead, King Duri ordered a massive ship building project. Much to the displeasure of the nobles, Duri moved his royal court onto his flagship, the Albakrat. Dismayed at the kings obsession with all things nautical, a group of nobles, lead by Musa, made a formal protest for the King to stop. Realizing his foolish ways the king took action.   In a meeting of all of the major nobles of Areioland, King Duri declared his intention to abdicate the Lion Throne. In order to prevent mass chaos, King Duri set up formal rules for succession. Duri declared that two men must now sit on the Lion Throne, Musa and Duri’s younger brother Keri. Each man would take alternating turns leading the country, with power changing each year. At the death of either, their seat on the throne would fall on their son. If their son was not of the age to rule, the queen mother would be appointed as Queen Regent until the son was old nought to rule.   King Duri’s only stipulation of abdication was that we was able to select a number of ships that he personally can lead. The nobles assented and thus the Shooters Lodge was formed.  

Recent History

After nearly two decades of open efforts of privateering and gambling within the old world, many sources of income for the fleet dried up. Toward the end of year 24, King Duri made a proclamation that the entirety of the Shooters Lodge were to embark on their ships and make for the new world.   While making the crossing, many of the ships were strewn off course or crashed ashore. King Duri’s flagship, the Albakrat, landed on the Hiberdes Islands along with another ship named the Stallion. The Stallion became permanently beached on the Hiberdes island, but the Albakrat unbeached itself and made for Havenport.   On the ninth month of the twenty fifth year, King Duri struck a deal with the Children of the Lake and their newly recruited Thri-kreen hive to rebuild the beach Stallion into a casino.


King Duri was educated within the Royal College of Bahati and Heppni. As such he is the Archpreist of Bahati and Heppni within Havenport.


King Duri is the head of the Shooter’s Lodge.   In addition, King Duri is also the head priest of the church of Bahati and Heppni.
Current Location
Year of Birth
35 SD 210 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Born on the day that his father defeated all of his enemies
Brown. Caring and soft
Short with a square tonsure
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
A Dark Ebony

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