Chaplain Pini Whistlefuze Character in Ormurgard | World Anvil
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Chaplain Pini Whistlefuze

'You dare come into my house, insult my craftsmanship, and spill ale on my creation? You thought you were safe in your chain mail armor from a little gnome. I will take these screwdrivers and destroy you. I didn’t want your blood on my hands, but i didn’t start this.'

- Pini Whistlefuze

Physical Description

Facial Features

Softer features save for a sharp chin.

Identifying Characteristics

Burn mark on the left side of her face.

Physical quirks

ambidextrous and hunched

Apparel & Accessories

Usually wearing plain clothes with a blacksmith's apron on. Always wearing her tailored flameproof gloves and tinted magnifying googles.

Doesn't wear anything to wealthy or audacious save for a gem encrusted necklace she crafted herself.

Specialized Equipment

Always has some sort of tool set on her, usually tinkers. In general her weapon of choose is a a hammer and a screwdriver she uses as a dagger.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

still green around the ears Pini strives to teach people the wonders of engineering through ministery. She volunteered to go to the new world in order to find new and different crafting styles and skills.

Personality Characteristics


In general she always strives to improve her craft and gain more knowledge.

Her ultimate goal is to create a automaton indistinguishable from normal humanity using skill and limited magic.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Very talented craftsmen not so good at taking criticism or advice.

Personality Quirks

Always tinkering with something she can't sit still without fiddling with something and she frequently wanders around lost in thought.

Usually pretty nice, she is quick to anger when you insult her inventions or her technique to the point of violence, though rare.


Religious Views

Zealous worshiper of Amphora

Hobbies & Pets

Her hobby is sewing


Laces her speech with a lot of jargon unconsciously and looks baffled when someone doesn't understand.

Wealth & Financial state

Makes a tidy profit on commission deals. She would be wealthier but she spends most of her money on new supplies and tools, but as it stands she's comfortably middle class. Has a tab going with the local crafts shop and hardware store.
Chaotic Neutral
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Chaplain of Amphora
Current Residence
Green eyes one size too big
Dirt brown pulled back in a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
'If you touch my invention again I will fucking kill you.'
Aligned Organization

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