Captain Kalak Character in Ormurgard | World Anvil
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Captain Kalak


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kalak originates from the city-state of Athas. After escaping the crushing poverty of Athas, Kalak joined a company of mercenary soldiers named the Gilded Fist. Kalak became a logistical officer for the organization after taking a leg injury fighting a band of raiders. While confined to a desk job, Kalak complied reports about a mysterious and supremely powerful ship. Kalak left the Gilded Fist and hired a small group of adventurers to help him find the ship. After two years of searching and the loss of all of his adventurers, Kalak found the Jade Marquess. The process of how Kalak became the captain of the Marquess is still unclear.


Kalak is currently employed by Imanthe’s Marauders.

Mental Trauma

Having spent the last 15 years with the Jade Marquess, Kalak has become antisocial. Kalak wishes to take a vacation from the ship, but being her only crew that is not possible.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
25 SD 26 CG 51 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Hal who flung him from one ship to antother
Brown. Focused and Unblinking
Black with streaks of White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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