Captain Joseline Character in Ormurgard | World Anvil
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Captain Joseline

Captain Joseline Lythsandrial

Captain Joseline is an Albatross with the Gull Syndicate. It's rumored that she was a pirate in the old world, but now she mostly hires out to the various organizations and adventurers to transport them through the new world. She claims to always be one step ahead; however, some have claimed that she is simply flying by the seat of her pants and getting by on quick wit and a hefty dosage of luck. Either way, everyone agrees, she is a force to be reckoned with, and not someone to cross likely, particularly as she is known to respond aggressively to perceived insults. Fortunately for the less socially astute, she almost never kills anyone for such things . . . anymore.
Current Location
Year of Birth
5 SD 180 Years old
Brown and wavy with streaks of white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
120 lbs

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