Zabath Character in Orion | World Anvil
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God of Knowledge Zabath (a.k.a. The Librarian)

Zabath, the LN Greater Deity of Knowledge, History, and Tactics. He is the Son of Alm, the Goddess of Gods, and is often known to be the smartest of Alm's children. He is the father of both Hul and Lay, however, he has no wife. He often grants bonuses of insight, Wisdom, and Intelligence towards his followers, and those who oppose him are often struck with lesser Intelligence and Wisdom. Some legends speak of the Orcs being created due to displeasing Zabath.

Divine Domains

The Greater Deities, His Domains are Knowledge, History, and Tactics.

Holy Books & Codes

Zabath's Tenets of Knowledge, The Tactics Manual, The Glasses of Wisdom, The Accursed People.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An open book with a yellow light protruding out of it.

Tenets of Faith

Wisdom and Knowledge are a gift and are to be cherished. Devote ones self to unlock the secrets of Orion All written and documented knowledge should be protected above all else.


Zu 7 - The Enlightenment: A day to gather and learn. Celebrators seek out all the knowledge that can access and believe they have heightened memories of anything they read or learn on that day.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To gather, find, learn, and preserve all written and documented knowledge. To unlock the secrets of Orion.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Zabath is 5'4", and oft has his face pressed in a book. He wears sage like clothing that is very baggy, and carries many bags that have books, scrolls, and several vials of ink, papers, and quills. He is often of a meek, slender body, and wears glasses that have to constantly be re-affixed.

Physical quirks

When chatting, he oft will stop talking or lose track of what he's saying. Mostly due to constantly having his face stuck and reading books.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Neutral
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Alm
Brown and swept back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Aligned Organization

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