Vashtill Illy-ectrum, 'Memories of Death' Item in Orion | World Anvil
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Vashtill Illy-ectrum, 'Memories of Death'

The Vashtill Illy-ectrum, or 'Memories of Death' in Draconic. A pocket watch given by the God of Death, Ich-Tul. It is often given to his agents to find a death not meant to be. His Elven children know of it innately and where they are aware or not, can recite all info or stories about it.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

The item uses its magics to tick back in time to relive a memory or past event. It does not normally tick until it is near a memory in which it starts to tick backwards and gets faster until it eventually finds the point of the memory. It can often show multiple memories if it needs too. Either to show information that would help the user, or to determine more means to find the event that caused the death.

Manufacturing process



Is used to determine a death caused that wan not meant to be yet.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Holder
Owning Organization
Base Price
Raw materials & Components
The material is of an unknown metal, but is black and silver with a skull that keeps it closed

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