Sellidan Character in Orion | World Anvil
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Goddess of Pain and Torture Sellidan (a.k.a. Lady Masochism)

Sellidan, the CE Goddess of Pain, Torture, and Pleasure. She is known to be as cruel as she is seductive. She is often known for granting those who worship or follow her many desires and often those who are masochistic and have a love of pain welcome her gifts with open arms. She is the daughter of the God of Murder and Hatred Cain, and is the sister of Fallip.

Divine Domains

Lesser Deity. Goddess of Pain, Torture, and Pleasure.

Holy Books & Codes

The Lady of Dark Passion, Goddess of Pain and Torture, Lady Masochist, The Iron Maiden: Sellidan's Love.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hand reaching out of a flame.

Tenets of Faith

Pain and Pleasure are of the same coin To torture is to love. Life without Pain, is no life at all. Spread the love through Orion, Pain and Torture, equal Pleasure.


Kha 19 - Day of Sel: A day where pain is increased. People say that the damage they receive or injuries they take this day, are doubled if not tripled. Worshipers gather around to deal pain, torture, and pleasure to others and each other, and orgies are known to increase in activity this day.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To cause Pain, Torture, Pleasure, and Suffering to those who would accept or resist.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Chaotic Evil
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Yellow with green swirls in them.
Grayish black and wafts around almost like being surrounded in water
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
She has a peachy skin and often can flush rose especially to assist in gaining her desires.
53 lbs
Aligned Organization

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