Salit Character in Orion | World Anvil
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Goddess Of Nature Salit (a.k.a. Mother Earth)

Salit, the CG Goddess of Nature, Beasts, and Seasons. She is the daughter of the Goddess of Gods, Alm. She is known as a calming being, and usually has animals grazing around her.

Divine Domains

Greater Deities. Her Domains are Nature, Beasts, and Seasons.

Holy Books & Codes

Mother Earth, The Goddess of Earth, Nature's Mother, The Tree of Life, Season's Mother

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A weeping willow, with a silhouetted woman under the right side of the tree.

Tenets of Faith

Tend to Nature, and you shall be tended by Nature. That which dies, must be returned to Mother Earth. Nature will reclaim what is lost.


Sal 1 - 28, Nature's Choosing: During this whole month, Nature blooms and produces as much as it can before it succumbs to the fall of Autumn. Druids find their powers amplified during this month and holiday. After it ends, the edest of the Arch-Druids pass on and become one with nature.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To allow Nature to flourish and claim what it wishes

Physical Description

Body Features

Salit stands at 5'11" and is said to weigh as much as a giant redwood tree. She is slender despite her weight. Her skin is a shade of green and constantly has animals following her that can tend to graze. She wears clothing that seems more like bark then anything but seems to be changeable at will. Her features are very fine and slimming, and are described by many Druids or followers as a true beauty.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Oak Brown, Ocean Blue, Flame Orange, and Azure
Dark green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Lime green
50000 lbs, but somehow is slim
Aligned Organization

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