Klose "The Caustic" Character in Orion | World Anvil
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Klose "The Caustic"

Klose (a.k.a. The Caustic)

Klose "The Caustic". The Ancient Green Dragon that once served as part of the Elemental Eternal. She was defeated by the Alm's Chosen. Her blood was drank by Horamus 'The Fist' during one of the last fights between the two groups. She hid and fled and found her final resting spot under Rainhale, in the Silverwell mines.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In Humanoid form, she resembles a tall slender elven woman with odd colored skin of a sunburnt type persuasion, spikes that protrude from her forehead, two horns that curl back, and her eyes glow acid green. Her Dragon form stands 100 ft on all four, and has two blackened horns that twirl backwards and face to the front of her head under her chin..

Body Features

She has a very slim and toned body with decent female features and assets which she often would use to persuade others while in Humanoid form. She has blackened hands and feet that seem almost looks like severe coloring from burning. Her Dragon form has several scales that line under her belly making it much harder to damage. Her feet, elbows, and knees are black and claws a sickening acidic green. Her wings are acid green on the outside and yellowish on the inside. She has several bumps on her body that have old scars. Her face has what look like several struck hits from a blunt attack or weapon, and under her stomach are several scars from what seem like magical attacks.

Facial Features

Her humanoid face is very slender and beautiful. Many men have desired her for her pretty face. Her cheekbones are high and she has long eyelashes and eyebrows that extend a bit longer then most. Her hair is parted in the center and lines the side of her face drawing attention to her eyes that glow vividly an acid green. Her skin is flawless and very young. Her forehead has several small spikes and two black horns extend from her upper right and left foreheads that twirl up and backwards. Three small holes lay under the corner of her eyes. Her dragon form has giant eyes with an underbite that she uses to sweep under creatures and take the ground with her. Her face is lined with several black bumps and her eyes are armored by a layer of see through scales. Her nose has two nostrils that seem to aim downwards for breathing. She has two blackened horns that protrude out of the side of her forehead, left and right. they twirl up, backwards, and face forward under her chin.

Identifying Characteristics

Spikes that appear on her forehead and two horns that resemble tiefling like horns in Humanoid form. Her skin is a sunburnt red and she has glowing acid green eyes. In dragon form, she has several scars from weapons across her body, and blunt damage against her face. Her chest and belly seem to have magical damaging scars. Her wings as well have rips and tears in them.


Family Ties

Shi-anthra (Daughter, 125 yrs)
Lawful Evil
Current Location
720 DR 200 AI 920 years old
Circumstances of Death
Died of age, and old wounds that wore her out over time.
Glowing Acid Green
Long and black. Reaches down to about her lower back.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Sunburnt Red
152 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Draconic, Sylvan, Elvish.

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