Khalif Character in Orion | World Anvil
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God of War Khalif (a.k.a. Fira)

Khalif, the CG God of War of Orion. Son of Alm, the Goddess of Gods. He is known as a ruthless and ferocious God, however not evil. His Patheon consists of those who enjoy fighting and using their anger, serve others through duty and combat, and the need to protect. He often grants buffs to those in dire situations where anger is used for good purpose. And his enemies are often suffering weaker strength around him.

Divine Domains

The Greater Deities

Holy Books & Codes

Khalif and his 10 Tenets of Hitting People, Fira the God of War, Churches of Khalif, Khalif's Order: The Order of the Flame, Down Time with Khalif, Picking Up a Hobby When Not Hitting People, Khalif's Domain: Hitting it til it's Dead.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A mace clasped by a hand.

Tenets of Faith

Hit it til it dies, and if it doesn't die, hit it harder til it dies. War is for duty and honor, not profit. The other three deities of the apocalypse shall not best us, so do our best to assist in their failures.


Kha 12 - Fira's Day, A day where a festival and celebration are had in Khalif's name. Duels, arenas, fights, and feasts are held in celebration of this day. As the same, any wars that are not halted for this day suffer curses, plagues, and the occasional meteor rain down upon the armies that disobey.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

His general description is that of a 7 ft red Tiefling that brandishes a giant hammer on his back which is known as the Hammer of War. He is often clothed in black leathers that expose the majority of his chest, only covering his shoulders, arms, and wrists. He is often depicted of rippling muscle and is naturally intimidating when in front of others.

Body Features

He has his symbol etched on his chest of a mace clasped by a hand.

Facial Features

Chiseled features and two small horns that extend from his forehead. His hair is slicked back and occasionally has steam waft from it when he is angry, which is often being his hot tempered nature.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Good
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Alm to see over the pantheon of War.
Crystal Blue
Black and slicked back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fire red
190 lbs, rippling muscle
Aligned Organization

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