Hallah Character in Orion | World Anvil
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Goddess of Life Hallah (a.k.a. Mother)

Hallah, the LG Greater Deity of Life. She rules over the Domains of Life, Water, and Summer, and is the daughter of Alm, the Goddess of Gods. She is the mother of Fathuriel and is known for being very compassionate and caring, and has been known to grant life to the fleeting for service under her. Oft when she is around, others speak of being healed, cured of sickness, and even brought back from the brink of life. While those who oppose her, will feel a weight atop of them and can feel like they're drowning.

Divine Domains

The Greater Deities. Her Domains are Life, Summer, and Water.

Holy Books & Codes

Hallah's Grace, Children of Water, The Waters of Life, Hallah's Song, The Mother of Life

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A group of deer grazing by a pond

Tenets of Faith

Embrace life as it is. Protect life to your upmost ability. Children are to be cherished and protected as their life is so beautiful and promising.


Hal 14th: Day of Water, A day where those who celebrate gather around water sources for celebration. They dance, feast, and celebrate the lives of those who live, have lived, and will live. Legends say, the chances of a woman conceiving on this day are believed to 10x.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To preserve and extend the lives of those who are graced with it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is said to be a meek motherly like woman. She is described to be 5'4" and wears maiden like clothing. She is very slim and is viewed by many as a fair beautiful maiden.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Lawful Good
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Forest Green
Auburn brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Rosey white
99 lbs

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