Fathariel Character in Orion | World Anvil
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Goddess of Fey Fathariel (a.k.a. Mother Elf)

Fathariel, the NG Goddess of Fey. She is the daughter of Alm, the Goddess of Gods. She is the mother of Magi, and is the closest to her brother Fathuriel. Her Domain is Fey and the Feywild, and she is the mother of all the Elves except the Drow and Shadar-Kai. She often grants her followers with longer lived lives, and will often steal the energy or life from those who oppose her.

Divine Domains

Greater Deities. Goddess of Fey and the Feywild

Holy Books & Codes

Mother of the Elves, Goddess of the Fey, The Snow White Queen, The Fey Mother

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A cherry blossom tree, with snow petals flowing around it that tend to move if you stare for a while.

Tenets of Faith

The Fey is a protected and special place to be respected and cherished. Treat all Elves as your brethren. Do not lower yourself to those outside the Fey.


Fath 1 and Fath 46 - Days of the White Queen: These two days are granted to Fathuriel in honor of her Domain and motherhood. These days celebrate her by opening many veils to welcome celebrators and worshipers to a manor in the Feywild where Fathuriel can meet her followers and those who just wish to celebrate.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To spread the influence of the Fey, and allow Elven kind to flourish

Physical Description

Body Features

Fathuriel is 5'0" and of very small and slender frame. Her skin is snow white as with her hair. She tends to wear a light amount of clothing. that mostly cover her right wrist, right leg, and her torso with part of her left leg. She as well wears a forest green shoulder cape that covers up to her right elbow. She does not wear any footwear, wears two gloves, and a bandanna that holds most of her long hair held up in it. She has several bandages that line her legs and arms.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Oak Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Snow White
0 lbs, has a slender body type
Aligned Organization

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