Desell Character in Orion | World Anvil
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Goddess of Trickery Desell (a.k.a. The Mother of Lies)

Desell, the NE Goddess of Trickery. She is the daughter of Alm, the Goddess of Gods. Her and her husband are the only Greater Deities married to another Greater Deity. Her husband is Aurin, and their children are Callo and Tort. Her domains are Trickery, Deceit, and Secrets. She is known to be the mother to Tieflings, Drow Elves, Kenku, and many Goblinoids. She is often granting those who follow her by enhancing their abilities to gain and keep secrets. Some are even said to gain otherworldly hearing and stealth. Meanwhile, her opposition is often cursed with loose lips, or secrets that come forward against their own choosing.

Divine Domains

Greater Deities. Her Domains are Trickery, Deceit, and Secrets.

Holy Books & Codes

The Goddess of Lies and Deceit, Desell and Her Secrets, The Mother of Tieflings, Goblinoids, and Kenku, The Cursed Mother of the Drow, The Trickery Goddess

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sliver web on a black tabard.

Tenets of Faith

Secrets must be kept and only traded for a secret worth its value.


Naut 52 - The Day of the Spider Queen: This day is celebrated by many followers and cults that worship Desell. They often gather together to log all the secrets they've gained and bring them to the Tower of Desell. It's location is unknown. They say that on this day, liars, deceivers, and spies are twice as capable this day under Desell's grace.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To gather and trade secrets around Orion.

Physical Description

Body Features

Desell is a slender female of silky white skin with long black hair that trails down her back. She stands 32' high due to her being centaur like with the back of a spider instead. She wears a long black cat like outfit that appears to be made out of hairs that cover her. Her spider body is black as night, and can be hidden when she chooses which allows her to stand 5'11 when on her legs.

Facial Features

Her face is slender and beautiful. Her cheekbones are very defined and she wears black lipstick. Her iris are pink, and she has very alluring eyes with long eyelashes. She seems to have an expression that makes her seem like she is intent on listening to every word said to her. She has a small black mole above her left lip on the side of her nose.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Neutral Evil
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Long and pitch black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silk white in color
320 lbs yet slender
Aligned Organization

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