Aurin Character in Orion | World Anvil
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God of Tempest Aurin (a.k.a. The Vengeful One)

Aurin, the CE Gof of Tempest. He is the Son of Alm, the Goddess of Gods. Him and his wife are the only Greater Deities married to another Greater Deity. His wife is Desell, and their children are Callo and Tort. His domains are Tempest, Rage, Destructive Storms like Tornados, Blizzards, Typhoons, etc. He is often granting those who follow him with destructive powers that are familiar to his domains, and pushing his wrath down upon those who oppose him in ways where they are barely able to even be on their knees.

Divine Domains

Greater Deities. His Domains are Tempest, Rage, and Destructive Storms, like Tornados, Blizzards, Typhoons, etc.

Holy Books & Codes

God of the Storm, The Raging God, Alm's Angriest Child, Tempest's Champion, Aurin: Eye of the Storm.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An eye above a raging storm

Tenets of Faith

Let the storm overtake you in its chaos and mold you as it chooses. Unleash your rage, and your inner tempest.


Aur 14 - Day of the Storm: This day is often seen as a day where followers gather around Orion and pray to Aurin until a great storm starts to brew. Legends state this will be the day his greatest storm envelops Orion and her people to create a new Era after.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

None that are known. It is believed that Aurin's divine goals will show themselves when a great storm overtakes the world of Orion.

Physical Description

Body Features

Aurin stands at 5'11" and has cracked skin that tends to shift and crack depending on his emotional status or his thoughts. Crystals that glow different colours seem to grow out of the back of his forearms, and all the way up to his shoulders. He wears tattered and worn clothing that is covered by a big overcoat that is worn, weathered, and shows sign of tattering and age. He is heavily scarred on his skin and seems to be almost like cracking from his own storms.

Facial Features

His face is long and heavy, worn and aged, scarred and beaten. He has several scars, and his hair is burned heavily to the scalp on his left side.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Chaotic Evil
Year of Birth
720 DR 1045 Years old
Crystal White and have almost a storm like effect when starred into.
Has black wavy medium length hair, except on his left side which seems to have been burned to the scalp with minor smoldering effects on the scalp as if he were set ablaze on one side.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, but there are cracks of different effects that seem to change depending on his thoughts or emotional state.
Aligned Organization

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