Blackstone Material in Orbis Illia | World Anvil
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Material Characteristics

Rather matt, durable and heavy stone with resistance to specific magic

Physical & Chemical Properties

Resistant to chaos presence and influence, resistant to high temperatures and fire magic


Blackstone metal

Geology & Geography

Deep in the mines of Iron mountains

History & Usage


During times of the First Cleansing of the Iron mountains a city of Dogh Todir was reconquered by the united armies of Empress Lemi. Shortly after leaving of untied armies scouts were sent into the mines to map the situation. The mines were empty with no chaos presence or corruption whatsoever. Scouts also reported a strange black stone found in huge quantities throughout the mines. Mages and alchemists were summoned to study this unusual stone. The study demonstrated the stone's resistance to chaos and some forms of Fire magic. Since then the stone were used in the war effort against the chaos and in construction.

Everyday use

Construction material for buildings, alloys made with Blackstone are used for armour

Cultural Significance and Usage

During The Cleansing of Iron mountains the construction of Imperial palace were initiated. Imperial palace is in immediate proximity to the Iron mountains and Empress Lemi was worried that chaos influence would corrupt its inhabitants, so she ordered the architect to build whole city from Blackstone. Since then the Imperial palace and adjacent town served as capital city for the Empire.

Industrial Use

With some other metals Blackstone can be used as useful chaos and fire resistant alloy


The stone needs to be processed by a stonemason before its usage in construction. For smelting it needs to be melted down and combined with proper metals to created sought alloy.

Manufacturing & Products

Construction materials, armour, accessories and jewellery

Environmental Impact

In case of infected environment by chaos Blackstone will (with time) clear chaotic corruption from land


Trade & Market

Can be found on black market or in hands of a collector


100 - 500 g / kg
Very rare
Melting / Freezing Point
Very high temperatures (in hundreds according to Dwarwish smiths) are needed to melt this stone
10000 kg/m3
Common State
Related Locations

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