Borinth Organization in Orbis | World Anvil
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For two and a half millennia Borinth has formed a bulwark against the encroaching forces of Chaos. Lying at the heart of the Aiandell, it is the greatest and most powerful of all the nations forged by Men. But the realm is in constant turmoil, beset on all sides by enemies ferocious and foul - despised by countless foes, with even gods and their unholy followers desiring nothing more than Borinth's utter destruction. Yet it endures, for mankind has a steely determination to not merely live, but thrive. Borinth's armies are mighty with ranks of highly-disciplined troops and heavily-armoured Knights, led by valiant warrior-generals and supplemented by the arcane will of Battle Wizards and powerful machines of war.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Neighboring Nations

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