Terreans Species in Orbis | World Anvil
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The Terreans were a race of underground people that once inhabited the Subterra.  

Physical Description

Terreans resembled humans in shape, but with skin bearing the appearance of various precious gems - such as rubies, emeralds, etc. Their hair was luminous white and their scotopic vision eyes matched the colour of their gem-like skin.  


Terreans speak their own unknown language, which differs largely from Cirrene and Numarian. Verbal communication with the Terreans prior to their genocide was scarce.  


The Subterra

Deep beneath Cirra lies the complex system of underground roads and settlements known as the Subterra, once home to the extinct Terrean people. Some parts of the Subterra descend deep enough to traverse the sea at the center of Cirra, though the trek through this route is treacherous and difficult, with few humans historically ever succeeding.   Some Cirrenes still use the Subterra as passageways for transportation and for mining, but must be wary of the beasts that reside there. Entering the ruins of the Subterra is generally considered to be bad luck due to the atrocities of the Terrean genocide.  


Prior to their genocide, the Terreans had mastered the difficult art of onyx-crafting. Onyx was well-integrated into most Terrean structures and inventions. During the Keepsake Wars, they harnessed the powers of the metal's anti-magical properties to counteract human mages.   Human conquerors were able to salvage a small amount of texts outlining the Terrean onyx-crafting secrets, but most were lost in the destruction of their people.  


The humans of the Cirrene empires, Deris and Cerion instigated the Keepsake Wars against the Terrean people in the year 1111. Competing against eachother to be the first to discover the lost divine relics known as the hidden Keepsakes, the two empresses violently pursued the rumors that the Terreans held the Keepsakes hidden in the Subterra.   The Terreans were wiped out in the wars, and the hidden Keepsakes were never found.  



Physiological Characteristics

Age of Adulthood
Age of Seniority
Average Lifespan
Average Height

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