Icosia Geographic Location in Orbis | World Anvil
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Native pronunciation is (ee-koh-zee-ya), but is commonly pronounced (ee-koh-sha).
  Located in the central region of eastern side of the continent, Icosia’s climate is mild and temperate.


The Icosian numari are characterized by the horns that grow atop their heads, which they often proudly decorate with jewelry or carvings.


Fascination with Dragons

Unlike other Numarian cultures who maintain a healthy fear of the beasts, Icosians generally share a fascination for dragons. Icosian folklore is filled with tales of the greatest dragon-slayers or dragon-tamers the land has ever seen.
  A traditional belief is that the horns on their heads originate from the first dragon-slayer, who fashioned smaller horns from the beast he had slayed and wore them to his own head as a trophy. The goddess Zora was pleased with his victorious hunt and attached them permanently onto his crown to mark him and his descendants as the greatest dragon-slayers.


Capital City

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