Fared Geographic Location in Orbis | World Anvil
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Fared (fa-red)

Located in the northwestern part of the continent, the high-altitude province of Fared is the coldest region in the land. Its lands boast the tallest mountains in Numaria, many of which are the prime destination for pilgrims seeking to honour the prophetess Nira or the sky-goddess Ceria. The northern half of Fared is coated with a snowy blanket year-round.


The Faredian numari are known for their silver hair with hints of various coloured hues (such as blue or purple). Their large and round eyes are commonly blue, silver, or violet.
  Fared has one of the most zealous and devoted populations in Numaria. This is reflected in the Crown and the Royal Council, who often defer to prayer and prophecies given by priests and priestesses when making important decisions.


The Pilgrimage of Mount Or

The tallest mountain in Fared, Or, is said to be where the prophetess, Nira stood when she heard the voice of Oneir during her dream with the prophet, An’Sor. Centuries later, pilgrims from all corners of Numaria travel to Mount Or to walk the steps of Nira in hopes of hearing the voice of Oneir.

The Maiden's Voyage

It is expected that a Faredian bride will fully dedicate her life to the needs of her husband and her family, deferring almost all of her agency to the words of her spouse. This tradition is said to mirror the devotion shown by the ancient prophetess, Nira, with respect to the prophetic words of the god Oneir.
  In preparation for this life, it is traditional that brides are sent on a Maiden's Voyage - a four-year sabbatical, during which they are allowed to explore Numaria. Wealthier families will often send their daughters with piles of gold or an escort to protect her. The phrase is borrowed from the sailing term, which is used to describe the first time a ship sets sail.
  Ever devout, the brides are bound by a sense of duty to return home. A daughter who fails to return home after her Journey brings social ruin to her family, forever shaming them in the eyes of Faredian society.


Capital City
Nirn (named for the ancient prophetess, Nira)

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