Edible Breath Item in Ora | World Anvil
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Edible Breath

Edible Breath comes in the shape of small orbs that, when chewed on, release oxygen straight into and absorb carbon dioxide straight from the user's blood stream. Despite their very limited duration of just a couple of minutes, they are an invaluable safety asset for passengers of Kelpie Carriages.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Contrary to their name, edible breath is not actually edible - swallowing an edible breath destroys its magical properties and provides no further benefits. Also contrary to popular belief, Edible Breath neither contains nor produces Oxygen. Instead, it functions like a little portal that connects the lungs of its user with the air several kilometers above them.   After having been chewed for roughly five minutes, one sphere of edible breath loses its magical properties and becomes a lump of tasteless, useless mass. Skilled alchemists can re-imbue this mass with the magic it held before, although it is more efficient to just create new edible breath from fresh ingredients.  

Materials and Components

In order to create one dozen of edible breath, one needs several pounds of algae extract, the gills of a large fish, the root of a still living Animated Plant, and a magically charged crystal. Alternatively, one can use a dozen of used-up edible breath to half the amount of required algae extract and remove the requirement of gills.  

Use as Currency

In the Harbor-District or Saltor, Edible Breath is treated like a currency of a fixed, relatively high value. One piece of edible breath can sustain a modest lifestyle for a week, while a used-up piece of edible breath - after being dried and cleaned - can sustain it for a day.   Due to this use as currency, merchants of the harbor-district have become quite adept at identifying real from fake edible breath. They use magnifying glasses and small needles for it, or hold it under water for a few seconds. Real edible breath will release a slight air stream when poked with a needle, but none when held under water, while most fake edible breaths will behave in the exact opposite way.

Manufacturing process

An alchemist can make the algae extract into small balls containing slices of the gills. These balls must then be magically infused by channeling the Animated Plant's energy into the charged crystal until it over-charges. The process of over-charging requires a very skilled alchemist, as the crystal must not shatter throughout the process, but must constantly be kept in a state that is very close to shattering.
Als du die auf die Kugel beißt, zergeht sie in eine weiche, klebrige Substanz. Der Geschmack ist etwas unangenehm, aber auszuhalten. Nach wenigen Bissen fällt dir auf, dass du instinktiv zu atmen aufgehört hast.
Ø 1cm
Green-ish grey
Related Profession

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Cover image: Default Header Ora by Kelban


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