The Pale Steppe Geographic Location in Oniro | World Anvil
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The Pale Steppe

Bordering the Kingdom of Matuma to the north the stark white grass of the steppe stretch beyond the horizon. The steppe is home to numerous nomadic centaur tribes who migrated there in the centuries after Ongka from the ruins of the inner realms. Over the centuries they have lived in relative harmony with the warlords, and later Shahs of Matuma. The Steppe is known as a harsh and foreboding place where only the cunning or ruthless rise to the top and even the hardness are broken with ease by the environment. Though to outsiders this reality is often hidden behind the mystical reputation attributed to the mysterious properties of the Steppe, for though its vegetation is a stark white it often changes with the temperature of the winds. When the warm season approaches these dry, hot winds will change the grass to various shades of pink, amber, and green. As winter begins to come on these colder winds shift the colors to red, silver, and violet. Though these color changes are brief, when taken in as a whole will appear as though the steppe is shimmering iridescently.    Herds of scythe horns also make their home on the step and migrate based upon the changing colors of the grass. As a consequence the centaur tribes have placed great spiritual emphasis on the winds and how they affect the grasslands, often changing an entire tribes course as to keep on the trail of the scythe horns.


The steppes seem endless to peoples of Matuma. Though their armies have ridden here often in skirmishes against the centaur tribes or their merchants have braved its endless expanses in large caravans, boldly attempting to break through the ruins of the inner realms where it is believed riches beyond imagining linger -- the people of Matuma will usually avoid the steppes. Myth says that the steppes actually go on forever, and while this has been disproven by communication with the tribes that roam it or with the merchants who successfully cross it, it is very easy to get lost in.   There is very few natural geographical features at all in the Steppe, making it easy to get turned around as the deeper one travels the looser reality is anchored. Tales from half-crazed merchants speak of the sun rising and setting multiple times over the course of hours, or changing colors, or disappearing all together and plunging them into total darkness for hours or days. Some caravans have limped back into Matuma claiming to have only been gone for days but in reality years have passed, or spent years out on the steppes wasting away in starvation without ever seeing anything but endless grass.   Merchants who have successfully crossed and return speak of a scattered assortment of shallow lakes that have formed at specific points and can be reliably used to get a bearing on where one is and is heading. They claim that this is what the centaur tribes use to tell their way, but the merchants have only found a handful of these and only along a single route. How the tribes find their way outside of this is beyond them.


Given the loose relationship with reality the ecosystem of the Steppe is both constantly predictable and entirely unpredictable. As long as reality holds true then there is only the scythe horns, a collection of predator species that hunt them (which are always in contest with the tribes), and a scattering of avians. If reality is weakened it is not uncommon for predators or unusual creatures to be drawn to the Steppe either from other planes of existence or from the chaotic ruins of the inner realms.

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