Adamska Character in OmniVerse | World Anvil


Searcher Adamska

In the aftermath of World War III, Adamska was one of the first people who would become a Searcher. Adamska seemingly came from out of nowhere to search for supplies in the ruins of destroyed areas throughout the Frozen Wasteland. Always seen with a dagger and an axe, his face covered with a large scarf, and a wooden prosthetic hand; Adamska would always be able to bring supplies to places that needed them the most.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Along with a leather coat with metal studs at the ends of their sleeves and wooden shoulder plates that he's seen with wherever he goes, he's commonly seen with a purple glove on his right hand, a large purple scarf and a red bandanna covering the lower half of his face, and dark blue pants ending with leather boots.

Specialized Equipment

His left hand is a wooden prosthetic that he has to adjust manually to grip things, mainly for the usage of holding a lantern or pulling a sled. He always goes around with a bag full of supplies hanging onto his back; along with a fire-axe. One common weapon he's seen with is a sharp shard of metal with a leather wrap around the handle of it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

No one knows where Adamska came from, only that he wandered into the Mississippi River Community as it was being built up, arriving with a sled filled to the brim with wood and a snowmobile. Since then, despite some prejudice he had been given by particular people, Adamska had kept delivering supplies to those in the community as well as those in other locations throughout the frozen wasteland. He never spoke with anyone, he simply brought supplies and went on his way. Sometimes, he would return with a map of his own creation, giving it to whomever is considered the leader of whatever settlement he came across for them to use. These maps would have detailed information about the ruins in the surrounding area and noteworthy locations with plenty of supplies ripe for the taking. With this information, people would begin to take up the job of searching for supplies for helping their communities.   It would be on 1973, November 7th, that he discovered an area beneath the ruins of New Orleans, a bunker that belonged to the Deepcore Foundation that contained a huge amount of supplies; including various weapons and artifacts. Connected to this bunker was a large cavern with mining equipment belonging to Deepcore, abandoned over the years. He had discovered the Unity Mine, which was filled to the brim with Edenite and other materials that would prove beneficial to The Refounded. With the help of several members of this community, they would begin taking the supplies out of the bunker and bring it to the nearby Fort Hope; ready to be used for all those in the fort and those allied with The Refounded.  
Geographic Location | Dec 14, 2020

The UNITY Mine, a mysterious mineshaft erected underneath New Orleans. A look into a history after The Vote.

  After this, Adamska is said to have vanished, though word does go around about a sighting of this man in one of the settlements throughout the frozen wasteland. While it's uncertain what he is up to or if he is even still alive, if it wasn't for his dedication inspiring those around him, the foundations would not have been set for the humanity's survival in the hell world that they have been forced into.
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
He / Him
Dark blond, cornrows tied into a ponytail
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'8'' | 172.7cm
132 lbs | 60kg

Cover image: by Joshua Edwards
Character Portrait image: by Joshua Edwards


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