Dustball Geographic Location in Omen of Blood | World Anvil
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The unassuming, mid-size planet affectionally known as the "Dustball" used to be Zootzshi property until not very long ago. The place doesn't have many blessings, but a perfectly breathable atmosphere is one of them. Yellow, orange and grey sand and dust dominates the scenery, with weathered rock formations here and there. The environment is dry, highly desert like, and there is little moisture. Sandstorms however are common.  
  You may wonder what brought the amphibian Zootzshi to such a desolate place, but the answer may lie in certain minerals that are found in the place. Under Pazfevar government, the kiki are preparing to set up logistic and eventual mining operations. With three tribes given mining rights, the Hekremeht are allowed to perform initial salvage operations and to use the planet for other limited activities.  



A temporary starport with the main headquarters/living area

  It's not possible to use the old starport so a landing area was cleared for a temporary starport/depot.

There's a new small town growing just a bit ways from it,  

Warehousing and scavenging zone



  There are multiple sites on the planet, and the surveys have begun on them. Any zootzshi equipment still in place needs to be cleared out and maybe salvaged.

Fauna & Flora

There is algae like plant life, presumed indigenous, which grows in the cracks and shadows of rocks and can survive long periods without moisture. In the most favourable conditions, a tiny moss like plant can also be encountered, believed to be imported for terraforming purposes but understandably does not dominate the planet.

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