Azurbakat Organization in Omen of Blood | World Anvil
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This is a clan of some +Renown and they kept their pride even in defeat. They have more wealth and influence than is typical in the tribe. Many members of the clan are politicians, administrators or educators. For a while, they have acted as mediators and they have good contacts within the Hekremeht and also with some other tribes such as the Plakhamat. They are in contact with the Salari, although those do not visit so often nowadays. Other clans may turn to them for getting introduced to contacts, arranging business, help with negotiations, even just advice.   Kahelplakat   They are a clan that served as military and traders in the old Empire, but like many, fell from their might and lost their noble status with the end of the War. They are engaged in trade and transport, but are also known smugglers and may engage in even more shady business. The clan has been in competition with the Kar-Telezar for a long time, but has grown in prominence more recently, often via somewhat underhanded means. They seem to think big of themselves.     Kar-Telezar   They are an old clan as any in the Hekremeht. Some claim the clan to be as old as the tribe itself - but to be honest, this is unlikely to be the case. Nevertheless they appear in the +Records soon after +Imperial year 200 and are noted with much +Renown from the +Succession war where they fought bitterly.   They used to be officers in the army of +The Last Emperor, scribes and civil servants in the government. It is a strict clan tradition that the professionals in the clan always get their training from a distinguished master. Some still work in the military, the only Great Discipline they still have presence in, but most have looked towards new businesses. The past few centuries have been rough and the clan hasn't been able to establish itself. Some work as engineers, but the often less distinguished field of logistics has come to employ significant portions of the clan and they may provide other arrangements in lieu of logistics, utilizing their connections. After the breakout of the +Colonial war, a few groups from the clan have left to do business in occupation area, although the tribe does not have access to all sectors. The ones that are in the military have also participated.   Salari philosophies used to be studied during the Empire, but this has stopped after the Succession War. As years go by, the +Hekremeht warrior cults have gained a following among the clan's members. Cults with a different agenda likely hold sway as well, but the members do not practice openly.   The home planet of the clan is +Tar-minuhenim, a beautiful, cool/temperate planet with medium population and striking mountain ranges. They used to run a prosperious fief in the last centuries of the Empire. Late to the Succession war, the clan lost their fief, like many others. Some domains were transferred to the Pazfevar and Jigofarr, which has made a few people resentful. Overall, the Hekremeht carry on though. After the disaster of the War, the clan has lost much status but they do not look back, there is no return to the Empire. Instead, they sought new masters.   Their current head matriarch used to be, long ago, a concubine of the ruling male, who in recent years got old and sickly. About 2 years ago he died but she had been running things already for years. Under her stern guidance, the clan has been brought back to discipline and the goals are set high.   Behaviour   They are one of the Hekremeht clans that still adhere to the Old Ways, although the tribe, and any of Block B, is conservative as the common baseline. Social structure is a strict hierarchy where Rank is everything - more than age, wealth or birth. Rank is only earned with merit, upon promotion from those above. They typically display their rank open with colored swathes of their fur along their cheeks. Loyalty to your upper rank (chain of command) is one of the key virtues in ''virtuous character'' as they see it. Rank is hard earned over the years and the clan's people work hard - and sometimes fight - to obtain it. Few people reach high rank at young age but the ones that do are celebrated and seem to earn great respect and a commanding charisma. Nevertheless it is a part of tactful and decent behaviour to respect your elders, even if they may practically be your servants. The more experienced are listened to carefully and easily find their place as teachers, mentors and advisors.   The history of the clan is reflected in the change of its outlook - from scholars and officers to more practical people, and nowadays their outlook is that of the deed rather than thought, although they still share many rules and convictions. The clan is a sworn believer of a Hekremeht revival, and hungry for deeds of +Renown, up to the point of being obsessed and jealous about it. Only the older members of the clan can temper this with their wisdom and understanding of what is possible. This doesn't mean that the clan elders don't have a Plan, and certainly there are young members quick to seize a challenge.   The clan is tight and they are not very open for outsiders. Other Hekremeht don't have significant dealings with them and they don't have much status. A few incidents of late have also soured relations with a few other Hekremeht clans.   Name TBD   They are a clan that came to prominence only after the Succession War. While the clan participated in the military and engineering professions during the Empire, they have embraced the military side of things en masse only after the War, and especially in the last two centuries. They have come to power through their increasing military importance and even achieved notable Renown in the operation * * * .   They advocate unusually aggressive policies for a Hekremeht, and while this sometimes brings them into conflict with more established clans, it seems to have fuelled their newlyfound influence. Others claim it is more connected to their adoption of the warrior clans and rear cabinet maneuvering. With the Colonial War, they have become an important customer of the Kar-Telezar.   Pharazbalak   They are a proud, powerful clan with much +Renown from even the time before the Succession War. They were a major component of the Imperial military and form a sizable bunch of the +Hekremeht military. They stood by the throne until the bitter defeat, maintaining their fighting capacity until the final capitulation. They are a noble clan, and even in great defeat, the Progressives dared not cross them and touch their land ownings much as they earn the sympathies of many a Hekremeht.   The Kar-Telezar clan has supplied their military for a long time, and they are one of the largest customers, but nowadays their relationship is somewhat troubled due to recent incidents and the supplier time to time finds itself competing for their business.   Shakatgazeri   The clan has engaged in engineering and transport services for a long time. They have not had a good relationship with the Kar-Telezar for a while, but open hostility broke out when Kar-Telezar tried to force a deal that had gone sour. The initial incident more than a year since left 7 people dead, and although the client - the Pharazbalak clan - was not pleased, the Kar-Telezar were able to regain control of the deal.   The Shakatgazeri, however, felt the need to protect their future business and declared a +Vendetta against the Kar-Telezar, making the life and limb of any member of the enemy clan free game. Now, the Kiki society does not tolerate unlimited bloodshed, so there are rules of engagement: Basically, high security areas and special protectorates of other tribes, clans and lords are off limits for violence, unless you are prepared to risk trouble with the powers that be. Also, a few clans or lords might side with one clan, and ban them from their territory altogether. Clans that have beef with the Kar-Telezar, such as Kahelplakat, may support the enemy by providing information or even more substantial aid if it hurts their rival. Now, the Shakatgazeri are larger than Kar-Telezar, but do not have the same degree of military tradition within their clan. Instead, they have used their wealth and connections to either equip their own enforcers, to hire bodyguards or to enlist mercenaries to their cause. In a few cases, Kar-Telezar civilians or even hardened operatives have found themselves to be hunted, which has had a negative impact on their business as well.
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