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Vespron 10th, 3,807 P.E.

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Olarion was one of ten remaining planets in the prime material plane. Unlike the other planets in the system, Olarion is a world of secrets. That is how it has survived the Consumption for so long. Withheld prayers and contracts hidden by ink only laced in blood bind the world to the people and the gods. Olarion is a place where the pantheon and its people coexist as one society. The gods were growing tired of their distance to the mortals who worshiped them. Due to the evolving boredom of the gods, they began to create something new. Lathander was the one who thought of the idea to make a new planet, one where they could connect with their followers. The purpose of creating Olarion was to prove that the gods could coexist on the same plane as mortals. Of course, not ever god agreed with this invention. Only a handful of gods wanted to participate in Lathander’s new experiment.

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