The Merchant Republic of Istania Organization in Oktura | World Anvil
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The Merchant Republic of Istania

Istania is known in the world as the scummiest place on Oktura, it's a hellhole of political manipulation and bureaucracy. Money is the only thing of any need here and anyone who disagrees with that might as well be nobody.
  Though they have a president the president is not the one who rules Istania, the real rulers of Istania are the current party that holds the most assets.


The culture of Istania is based around making money and gaining power in the political world, most people are prudish and rude.
  Though most people are quite rude, they tend to put on a face of kindness and superiority in the presence of others and especially important people.

Demography and Population

The population of Istania consists primarily of Miqo'te but also has Doldians and Kyrians.
  Population 40,000,000


Istania has a fairly small military as it primarily relies on mercenaries.
  Professional military 100,000
  Levies 400,000
  Mercenaries 2,000,000
  Mages 10
  Warships 60

Foreign Relations

Istania has trade agreements with most of the world and produces a large amount of the worlds goods.
Geopolitical, Republic
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Unitary state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

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