R: Finding Work, Session 3, 31st-33rd Utonus 782 Report in Okenaos | World Anvil
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R: Finding Work, Session 3, 31st-33rd Utonus 782

Rewards Granted

Plenty of Magic Items and new powers Level 4

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Jack Hillay was convinced to hunt the sex trafficking ships
  • Party rescued an orc woman who was arrested for helping take care of orcish street urchins.
  • Party successfully located Qeelak manor and found the location of the item Zoidblarg's compass points to.

Character(s) interacted with

Jack Hillay had a nice fancy meal with the party, and they learned more about him, as well as convinced him to help them hunt sex traffickers. Shirley Temple helped the party gain access to Qeelak manor. The party also helped Hillay and Temple sell off the cargo from the ship they raided.   Chef helped the party prepare food for the captain.   Razmodeus let the party know that he had new ritual spells to sell them.   A set of orcish street urchins hired the party and promised to let them know if they ever needed more help.   Elleni Wultro gave the party a tour of Qeelak manor, letting them know the master was away on business and they had no business on the fourth floor, or in the basement where their compass was pointing.


The party woke up on shore leave and immediately decided to get a nice dinner together to convince Captain Hillay to help them hunt sex traffickers on a magic map they found during a mission with Santa. One nice dinner later, and the captain is excited for a new hunt. They also ask First Mate Temple to get them a meeting with Anton Qeelak, which he told them he would attempt.
While the party was out getting produce and wine, they ran into a set of orcish urchins, who, in broken common, offered them money in exchange for their services. Their mother figure had been arrested for taking care of them, and they wanted to save her. The party promised to help, after they finished with their captain. And they did. After a shopping trip, the party investigated the womans arrest and gave the prison a stakeout before rescuing the lady with some excellent diversionary tactics. They returned her to the children safe and sound, and rejected most of the reward they tried to offer to the party, taking only 5 gp each and sending them on their way. The kids took Karen, their adoptive mother, to a wood elf town on the north side of the island.
The party recieved news from temple that Anton was away on business, but the serving staff would be happy to give the party a tour and see if they could get a look at the item their compass was pointing at. This was unsuccesful, but the party did note the servant's discomfort with the areas the compass pointed to.
Freedom then proceded to spend a while fucking with his devil quill, and actually got some results.
Freedom for All
Report Date
29 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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