R: Finding Work, Session 2, 29th of Utonus 782 Report in Okenaos | World Anvil
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R: Finding Work, Session 2, 29th of Utonus 782

Rewards Granted

Gold (a few hundred each) Good relations with the crew of The Tirade

Missions/Quests Completed

Successfully defended the Tirade aginst an Undersea Grick attack. Acquainted themselves with the more of the crew.

Character(s) interacted with

Jack Hillay throws a feast in the party's honor and gives them a nice speech. Shirley Temple attempts and fails to run the obstacle course that was set up for the party. The party intentionally made his run as difficult as possible. Razmodeus Omsed offered his services to the party at a discounted price, happily helping them learn new spells and rituals that were not previously available to them. Chef interacts with Bootleg some more, and they share histories. Paco introduced as Bootleg's pet rat.


The night after the party's smashing victory in their first pirate raid, the captain throws a feast in their honor. The party mingles with the crew, and garners favor with their shipmates by carousing and making shows of skill. They even beat the first mate in an obstacle course. Soon, the party finds the ship they're in set upon by an Undersea Grick. They each get assigned a position on the ship to help combat the thing, and ultimately emerge victorious.
Report Date
15 Dec 2019
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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