R: Finding Work, Session 1, 28th of Utonus 782 Report in Okenaos | World Anvil
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R: Finding Work, Session 1, 28th of Utonus 782

Rewards Granted

  • Mysterious Compass (Zoidblarg)
  • Devil's Quill (Freedom)
  • Captain's Hat (Bootleg)

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Party found a pirate ship to join up with.
  • Party helped raid and sink their first ship
  • Party proved their worth to Captain Hillay

Character(s) interacted with

Shirley Temple hired the party on as new disposable members of the Tirade. Chef became friends with Bootleg Jack Hillay introduced himself to the party and was later impressed by their expertise


The party, each for their own reasons, showed up to an inn on Qeelak Minoi, and found employment on the Tirade under Captain Jack Hillay and First Mate Shirley Temple. They went out to sea and began to acquaint themselves with the crew of the Tirade. Their first raid on another ship proved incredibly successful, with each of them proving themselves quite capable. Zoidblarg using an expertly timed Tenser's Floating Disc sealed the deal, and left the party well respected on the Tirade.
Report Date
08 Dec 2019
Primary Location

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