Okanverse The Post-Neoliberal Era
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The Post-Neoliberal Era

Political event


In 1971, Nixon decoupled the dollar from gold. This initiated a massive transfer of wealth from the capitalist periphery to the imperial core, as the value of the dollar fell and those countries without gold were left out to dry. Meanwhile, US strategists and business leaders were hard at work shoring up the global economic policy that would force the world to pay for America to appease its workers with cheap consumer goods even as their wages fell, and to fund the very military battering the periphery to keep it in line, while laying the foundations for what Alan Greenspan cheerfully described as the "precariat", the traumatization of workers through unemployment and underemployment that was to keep them docile indefinitely. This was the neoliberal era.   By the 2008 financial crisis and the early resurgence of social movements into the 2020s, signs of serious strain were beginning to mount.   Neoliberalism's full dissolution - 2050s?

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