Scylliae Ethnicity in Odalla | World Anvil
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Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Guensida, Beggora, Simsor, Glaen, Tore, Osentelia

Masculine names

Ipoletus, Nupellus, Daru, Chrynus, Phaer, Loghtrus, Daedevredis


Major language groups and dialects


Historical figures

Ipoletus, Chieftan of the largest group of Scylliae
Guensida, Ipoletus' eldest daughter and wife of the first King of Odalla, Oudellar
Nupellus, Chieftan of the second largest group of Scylliae, assisted Ipoletus and Pedridas in the First Succession War of Odalla
Daru, Nupellus' eldest son to whom Pedridas gave his granddaughter Milesta in marriage

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