Milky Way Galaxy Geographic Location in Obsidian | World Anvil
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Milky Way Galaxy


To the galactic east lies the Orion arm, home to millions of stars and thousands of habitable worlds. To the galactic south lies an empty void, billions of light years from the nearest galaxy, and in the north, a turbulent zone of crashing stars and planets, blocking travel into the sister galaxy and the west.

Fauna & Flora

Humanity is the dominant species, colonizing most of known space. Various other plants and animals dot inhabited worlds, and large beings inhabit the void in between stars.

Natural Resources

The resources of the milky way are vast, encompassing the whole of all available resources.


  • Orion Arm
    The Orion arm of the milky way galaxy is home to all known life and is separated into four main regions
Alternative Name(s)
Home Galaxy

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