Beware The Valra Myth in Nyctoria | World Anvil
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Beware The Valra

What childhood stories are people still afraid of as adults in your world?


Of all the species and elements of Nyctorans, there is a reason one is never seen and banished from the safety of the cities by the Luminaries. When darkness falls over the land, Valra, Nyctorans of the dark, come out and search for any who roam under the moonlight. Those who are still outside are swiftly taken away and never seen again.

Historical Basis

Despite popular belief among city Nyctorans, Valra are indeed real. The stories are rooted in the tribal life when most species of Nyctorans lived among, socialized with, and witnessed the dark elemented Nyctorans on a regular basis. Valra are scavenger type Nyctorans and were often seen eating beast and Nyctoran alike, typically in a decaying state. For the tribes, this was nothing to fear but those adopting the city life saw it as terrifying and disgusting.   Every Valra will hunt for fresh prey if they want something different and a rare few Valra clans have made other Nyctorans their favored game. Those who have been raised in the cities have poor survival skills compared to their tribal counterparts, however, making them easy prey. Children especially are taken both for ease and because of the tender meat they have. Due to so many being taken by these rogue Valra clans, the stories rose in the hopes of keeping the young safe.


The myth is common knowledge in the cities and told to every child. Just mentioning the Valra or if dark wings soar overhead an entire city can be put into a state of panic. Many tribes know the tale, mostly the Caprivik who collect tales on their journeys. Some tribes, such as the Levias or Grigorvelik, who rarely associate with the cities, are oblivious to the myths of the Valra.

Variations & Mutation

One variant states that the Valra only steal the children who remain outside after dark. Another states only those who venture into the "haunted forests" or dangerous lands where the Valra are said to dwell will never return.   Near the City of Fire ( working on a name ), Carrion Forest, at the base of Carrion Mountain, is said to cast an eerie glow at night. When these lights are most vibrant a haunting tune can be heard. This tune is said to put any who hear it under a trance and call them into the depths of the forest where the Valra wait to feast.

Cultural Reception

City Perceptions: Although the tales are told to every child to keep them from misbehaving or wandering too far beyond the city walls, many adults will act like that's all it is and will berate other adults if they hint and still be afraid of the story. Despite this, mentioning the Valra or the sight of dark wings soaring overhead is enough to send an entire city into a panic. Everyone will rush indoors and the guards and hunters will search for this so-called Valra, albeit with trembling hearts.   Funnier still is most adults will deny the existence of Valra all together, claiming they are nothing more than mythical Nyctorans of children's stories. Among the elite families, especially the Luminaries, Valra are spoken of in the shadows with the greatest distaste, respect, and fear. The tales are told to the elite young not to scare them but to prepare them for when they are old enough to see and deal with the Valra themselves. Secrecy is demanded though to ensure the commoners are left in the dark about this "mythical" race.   Tribal Perceptions: Unlike city Nyctorans, the tribes take the tales in stride. The tribes which know the myths are those who live close to or deal with the city Nyctorans. Caprivik know the most of this myth and often tell it as a ghost tale. These traveling merchants know the truth about Valra after all and do enjoy their tales and theatrics.   Tribes such as the Levias and Grigorvelik, who never associate with the cities, don't know about the myth and may not even care. The two mentioned don't see Valra anyway so will probably believe the myth or laugh it off as a fool's story if they were to hear it.   Valra Perceptions: For some Valra, the tales are amusing and they love playing off them just to witness others run in fear. They have also used the myths to weave potent nightmares for those they despise or just want to give a good scare. For those they truly hate, the myths are used to kill them in their sleep.   Other Valra don't appreciate the misconceptions these myths paint of them as they create problems with other Nyctorans. Trading opportunities and more are lost because many would rather run or kill them. Depening on the individual, the Valra may hide with a cloak and associate with others in the hopes of dispelling the myths or they may become resentful and add weight to the myths by stealing, tormenting, or hunting those who treat them poorly.
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