Optional Homebrew Rules in Nova Secundus | World Anvil
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Optional Homebrew Rules

More Beats

  • Attend Session: 2 beats
  • Advanced Plot: 1 beat
  • Breaking Point: 1 beat
  • Suffered Lethal Damage: 1 beat
  • Suffered Aggravated Damage: 2 beats
  • Fulfilled Aspiration: 1 beat

Alternative Renown System

A faster and roleplay- focused way to earn renown outside of spending XP.   The player must have a plan on how they want to prove their worth earning the renown. Whether it be an act of valour or an ingenius plan set in motion. Whatever the case may be they may call upon a lune to bless them on this path. They then gain the Path of <renown> condition. This condition must be resolved by the next session. If they succeed they gain the renown brands in full from the lune. If they fail then they will suffer a breaking point as seems most appropriate to the ST.

Condition: Path of Purity/Glory/Honor/Wisdom/Cunning

The uratha has committed to proving themselves in a particular renown. They have beseeched a lune or other powerful spirit for the opportunity and all eyes are on them.   Possible Sources: Audience with a lune, deal with a powerful spirit.   Resolution: By the next session they must complete the task defined or suffer a breaking point. Completing the condition will grant them a point in said renown.

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