Dwarf Species in Nodroania | World Anvil
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Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Dwarves can be found all over the world, from the sandy deserts of Ororis to the Frozen Tundras of Eseon.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Last Names: In the first age a dwarfs last name was a title that they chose, which their decedents took on as their own as a mark of honour. It's common for a marrying couple to join their last names together (e.g Thunderborn and Brightsmith become Thundersmith or Brightborn) also common is both of the couple joining one family.

Major Organizations

Legion of the Brightsmiths: A Dwarven group, dead set on freeing slaves all over the world.

Common Taboos

Necromancy, Killing another member of your family.

Historical Figures

Nisdryn Dragonbane: The first dwarf to ever slay a dragon and one of the seven founders of Dhalgarum.   Nelron Stormbringer: A Necromancer and grandson of Thran Stormbringer on of the Founders of Dhalgarum and responisible for wiping out House Thunderborn.   Adrick Ironfist: Chosen Champion of Loreus.   Kathrin Battlehammer: Cleric and Champion of Erathis, Hero of the Third Age

Common Myths and Legends

The Legend of Nisdryn and the Red Dragon.
They live to about 350-400 years old, reaching adulthood at age 50.
Average Height
average 4-5 feet tall
Average Weight
Average: 150 pounds
Average Physique
Broad Shouldered and stocky
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Dwarves have a variety of skin tones, the darker shades being more common.

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