vampires Species in Nocta | World Anvil
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the apex predators of the Nocta world. they are supernaturally beautiful, when changed their bodies subtly change, shifting into its most attractive form of itself. this is to help with catching prey. they have superhuman strength, agility, mental prowess, and senses. they posses excellerated healing. the higher up in the echelon the more vampire powers they have. a vampire's specialty is powers of the mind. when they are first turned they are sensitive to light. vampires must be decapitated or dismembered and then burned to kill them.
vampires possess very few limitations, but sunlight will kill them. it also sends the youngest into a coma like stupor for the day, the ability to stay away if they choose comes with age.
they need blood to live, without it they desicate
*the lower class vampires also drain the anima of a person, which is fatal to plants touched by bare skin for an extended period of time. animals are also sensitive to the touch, the smaller the animal, the more effected it is. large animals and people don't really feel the effects. a vampire doesn't need to do this, it is just a by product of their body seeking the anima that they gain through blood. they gain so little through touch that they don't notice the difference since their body isn't internally ingesting it. because of this no lower class vampire is a gardener or small pet owner. *
vampires have mind powers, and the more powerful the vampire, the more powerful and varied their powers. Pureblood's mind power's can greatly effect the world around them.
pureblood: a vampire born of two pureblood parents. only purebloods can procreate. the most powerful vampire class, and the top of the echelon.
nobles: those sired by purebloods.
commoners: those sired by nobles or other commoners.
dhampires: half breed children born of a pureblood-human coupling. -they live for several hundred years and are more powerful than humans, but not even close in power to purebloods or even most common vampires. they can procreate with humans and purebloods. when breeding with purebloods they make more dhampires. when breeding with uhmans they birth a child that will have unusual mind gifts.
they are incredibly sensitive to energy levels, and will overload when they intake too much. this includes levels from blood. this also means that they are particularly sensitive to mages who specialize in lightening and the Old Blood nephilim. any newer generation nephilim cant produce enough power to damage the vampires.
they also have a slight silver allergy similar to the lycans, but not as serious
common vampire hunting kits include swords, tazers, silver daggers, and materials to start fires. they cant process human food, but if necessary they can eat to blend in, but then biology requires them to expell the food later.

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