Dwarf Species in Noble | World Anvil
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Dwarves, while long ago known for their mountainous cities and mines, have long since come down from their historic homes to mix among the other species of the world. Many generations ago Dwarves made a formal alliance with Humans in their war against Orcs and in the process built monumental cities that became a beacon to the civilized world. After the blood of the Orc Wars had long dried Dwarves began finding themselves more frequently in Orcish cities until it was common that Humans, Orcs, and Dwarves all lived as neighbors.   Dwarves have been able to benefit from their long lives in comparison to their Human and Orc friends, allowing them to accumulate vast fortunes. From a material possessions standpoint, Dwarves are rivaled only by the longest living of humanoid species, Elves.

Civilization and Culture

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Dwarvish & Common

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Hair is a significant part of Dwarven identity. Hair is considered a sign of strength in Dwarven culture. Long, thick, well-kept hair is a point of pride for both male and female Dwarves alike. Beards are especially important in relation to male Dwarves. The lack of a beard to a male dwarf is an extreme point of shame.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Dwarves have a generally good relationship with most species, in particular with Humans and Orcs, though having warred with them many generations ago. Dwarves and humans have lived together for generations forming great cities which are often considered to be the pinnacle of civilization.
300 - 400 years
Average Height
4 - 5 ft.
Average Weight
150 - 280 lbs.

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