Llino Blood Hunt of 15292 Military Conflict in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Llino Blood Hunt of 15292

As the Nhia-Smari were secretly operating against the Alliance their actions accidentally sparked the Llino Blood Hunt of 15292. It has been argued that it was the Blood Hunt which sparked the Nhia-Samri War, however many historians disagree saying that although the events of one alerted the Alliance to the Nhia-Samri's secret actions, the stated goal of the Nhia-Samri to attack the Alliance was not influenced by the Blood Hunt.  
My Lords and Ladies, what has he released here?
— Ladro, on seeing the Dagger Army Duke assembled in a singled day
  There has been speculation which the immortals and Duke refuse to comment on that the Nhia-Samri war and the Blood Hunt were both caused by Vestul the Silent Mage who died in Llino after arranging to meet Duke in that city. However, that speculation is quickly discredited as the Nhia-Samri have admitted that Share-Lumen's goal of the great war was to establish the first new nation under the Duianna Alliance since the creation of the world.   On the 3rd of Tarudyt, 15292, Duke was visiting Llino to meet his ancient friend Vestul the Silent Mage on unknown business. Vestul was assassinated by a member of the Knives' Guild under contract from the Nhia-Samri warlord stationed in a secret outpost in the city. As part of his investigation, Duke discovered that the regents overseeing the kingdom of Aelargo were frauds.   And, as is well known, once Duke becomes involved things unravel quickly. Duke formed an army of Daggers from the local Dagger Tavern and attacked the palace overcoming the pretender's defenses in a bloody thirty minutes. At the end of the attack, over two hundred people were dead or missing. Duke took control of Llino and the Kingdom of Aelargo and proceeded to trace all of the pretender's corruption. In the following weeks, another three hundred would be publicly executed and the entire government of Aelargo was reformed in the prescribed pattern set down at the founding of the kingdom by the Duianna Empress who built the world of Niya-Yur.   In the process of restoring the kingdom's government, Duke discovered the true Duianna imperial regents' family lines had survived and were working as unknown servants, unaware of their true ancestry. The true regents were crowned and given control of Aelargo by Duke on the 15th of Tarudyt, 15292. The regents' first act was to restore Aelargo as part of the Duianna Alliance and declare support for Duke's declaration of war on the Nhia-Samri.

The Conflict


Llino, Kingdom of Aelargo

Historical Significance

In Literature

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Thread Slivers
Chapter 13
The Hunt Begins
by Steve Doty

Duke's Declaration of War

by Streetlight Graphics
Battlefield Type
Start Date
3rd of Tarudyt, 15292
Ending Date
15th of Tarudyt, 15292
Conflict Result
Every corrupt official and their families were either killed or banished and the true Duianna Imperial Regents were restored to governing Aelargo.


  • Kingdom of Aelargo
    A close in area map of the Kingdom of Aelargo

Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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Aug 10, 2021 08:03 by Dimitris Havlidis

Right to the point, a really beautiful narrative! Thank you for submitting on my special category! I really hope you enjoyed taking part in SummerCamp this year! Have a wonderful day and I hope we see you on the awards ceremony!

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