Nhia-Samri War Military Conflict in Niya-Yur | World Anvil

Nhia-Samri War

In 15263 the Nhia-Samri began a series of covert actions against various kingdoms of the Duianna Alliance. These actions were not discovered until 15292 when a mishap in Llino, Aelargo brought their activities to the attention of Duke. The Grand Marshall for the Alliance declared war on the Nhia-Samri when they refused to stop their activities which involved assassinations, sabotage of Alliance activities, and provoking disputes between Alliance members.   War was fully ratified by the Alliance Council after a direct attack on Gracia that same year in which Shar-Lumen, Grand Warlord of the Nhia-Samri killed Lady Dalpha in the council chambers. Survivors from Gracia were evacuated to the elven lands just to the east. The remaining representatives contacted their respective governments and the entire Alliance authorized the creation of a supreme army under the command of Duke.   Due to the Nhia-Samri's possession of numerous secret outposts in every nation the war was not fought along a single line of attack. Further the Nhia-Samri possessed and used a new magical gate that allowed them to send troups to any location they pleased. Hence the war was fought in a series of battles. Battles occurred when the Alliance forces located, attacked, and destroyed a Nhia-Samri outpost as well as when the Nhia-Samri took a nation's town or village. Thus there were only a few large battles fought, although many smaller battles occurred across the entire northern content. The Nhia-Samri would take whole cities and sometimes they fortified them to hold, other times they would evacuate everyone to places unknown.   The Nhia-Samri never attacked non-combatants and all reports indicate they protected the citizens of the Alliance as much as themselves. Once they took possession of a town they declared it was part of their nation and allowed anyone present to change citizenship or leave with all their possessions and with actual aid to make sure they could make it to the next settlement safely with enough funds to establish a new home.   When the Alliance took back towns from the Nhia-Samri they evacuated all their citizens in good order. At the time it was not known where the people were taken to. In the years after the war many families reunited with letters telling that they'd been evacuated to the new Nhia-Samri lands and were happily setting up a new and more prosperous life. In less than six months, the Nhia-Samri built an entire nation by evacuating their holdings and outposts to the lands on the north-western border of the Circumveni Desert.   The war was concluded when Duke marched on the Nhia-Samri capital and ended the conflict with a surprisingly low amount of lives lost on both sides. In the end, the Nhia-Samri sued for peace and this was accepted by the Council in full session.   The entire war has left many people wondering what really happened. Whole nations were thrown into rushed chaos to prepare and send troops. There were many pitched battles. Yet, in the end, peace was declared and the armies disbanded being sent home with ribbons and awards for all. Yet, the Nhia-Samri fortress was never attacked or even damaged, over sixty villages and towns captured by the Nhia-Samri and evacuated remained empty. The governments claim that the missing citizens had chosen to freely stay in Nhia-Samri held lands on the north-western edge of the Circumveni Desert. One of the ancient cities was renamed and a Nhia-Samri warlord was crowned king of the lands.   The Nhia-Samri kingdom desires to be called Riu-hope and has been given three representative seats on the Duianna Council along with being added to the Alliance compact.   A group of Daggers rumored to be working for Duke, or against Duke, or neither found the Emerald Heart. What is known for sure is that the Emerald Heart was used to deliver key delegates to and from all the nation-states of the Alliance under the direct observation of Duke himself.  
Thread Skein
Chapter 17
A Solution
by Steve Doty

The Conflict


Seventy three medium sized settlements were stripped of their population by evacuation to the southern unpopulated areas of Laeusia. Further any of those populations that did not wish to become citizens of the Nhia-Samri nation were moved out to neighboring settlements. Many of the original settlements remain empty or sparsely populated.


Approximately one-third Laeusia, specifically the southern third which was unused and only populated by lone settlers was granted to the Nhia-Samri to be their own national lands. The Nhia-Samri named their newly recognized nation Hopu Rinyaru. The single ancient city of Allornia located in that area was renamed Lumendaria and made the capital of Hopu Rinyaru. Most of the inhabitants of Allornia remained in the city and Alliance observers have reported that everyone appears to be satisfied with the changes.

Historical Significance


The Nhia-Samri War, also known as The War of Hope, saw the restoration of the true regents of Aelargo, the recovery of many Duianna Imperial artifacts, the creation of an entirely new nation member of the Duianna Alliance, and the death of Shar-Lumen.
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Thread Strands
Chapter 16
Hiri-Rula Defending Outpost One
by Steve Doty
Conflict Type
Start Date
10th of Tarudyt, 15292
Ending Date
26th of Ankidyt, 15292
Conflict Result
Both sides signed an agreement for peace

Cover image: by Leeland Artra


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