Order of Eternal Truth Organization in Niun | World Anvil
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Order of Eternal Truth


A communal monastery with an Abbott who oversees the monastery but all members are equal.


Cultivates martial arts, community, justice-orientation and honesty

Public Agenda

Promote the Fs through non-coercive means and live their faith


Order of Eternal Truth Compound, West Port  Order Monks


The Order was founded by Brother Tom in 1399 following his crisis of faith at the Sunless Citadel. He created the Order to promote a more just and honest society while discovering the deity DM. He adopted Punchy and Leroy-Jenkins McFisticuffs soon after and they were his first students. It has since grown into a large monastic community.

Divine Origins

The Order of Eternal Truth was created by brother Tom to promote just and humanistic values in the five Fs and to honor the deity DM. It is still a small religion and in development.

Cosmological Views

Believes in DM as the all-powerful creator whose storytelling makes the world. They believes that DM rarely interferes in the world. Having one's own view and opinions is important and no one way to look at it is orthodoxy.

Tenets of Faith

The 5 Fs
  • Feasting: Eating, Drinking and Taking pleasure in life 
  • Fornicating: Consensually sharing pleasure with others and one's self 
  • Fighting: Engaging in physical conflict to test the bod yand build skills to defend oneself and others 
  • Family: Promote love and connection between people based on reciprocity and community
  • Faith: Hold onto hope and belief as a source of life-giving energy 


Following and actively engaging in the 5 Fs


Monastics who train and live within the community and sometimes leave to test their skills while exemplifying their values to others

Granted Divine Powers

At initiation, each monastic rolls as dodecahedron with numbers on it. This number declares the number of lives they can live until they are truly dead. One who rolls a 20 has not have been heard of except Punchy McFisticuffs. After death, one with remaining lives will be teleported where they need to be, alive again, and struggle to remember some past details.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Tries to avoid using political influence at all

"Follow the Five Fs and There is Truth"

Founding Date
Alternative Names
Mother F-ers
Training Level
Veterancy Level

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