Hags Ethnicity in Niun | World Anvil
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A species of nigh immortal members of any sentient species who gain incredible magical power but at the cost of youth and often social acceptance. They are most often formed by delving into forbidden secrets or becoming adherents of the Crone Goddesses. Most were outcasts who found purpose with the Goddesses or in magic itself. They are often mistrusted but in some localities are treated with great reverence. While most serve the Crone Goddesses, there are some who serve the idea of the Hag Queendom, a hag supremacist vision that sees Hags as supreme though merging Faery with the Material Plane where Hags can usurp the gods. They seek to create a Hag Mother, a perfect Hag from birth who can do the magic required when she reaches the right age.
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