Orazimdom of Kushar Organization in Nitak Neti | World Anvil
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Orazimdom of Kushar

The Orazimdom of Kushar is an ancient and mighty Empire. Built along the fertile Salesh Ezim river valley and developed along the prosperous Straits of Eseena trade route, Kushar's wealth allowed it to become a major power in Nitak Neti. The great capital of Kushar is the ancient port city of Zhyalay, which lies at the mouth of the Salesh Ezim. Once the epicenter of the power of the Magi, Zhyalay became the site of the first of the anti-magi purges after nobility and commoners alike united against the Magi under the leadership of Syed, a common fisherman. Syed went on to found the Azukian Dynasty, with the Royal House of Azuk ruling Kushar to this day. In its golden age the dynasty commanded a vast and powerful empire that stretched as far south as Safri, as far east as Khalija and as far north as Rabdon. The dynasty today is but a shadow of its former glory. The heirs of Syed have grown fat, lazy and indulgent. The real power of the empire has become ambitious and corrupt Generals, Priests, Merchants and Nobles, who vie for control of the Empire like vultures picking at the dying remains of an aged and sick bull elephant.   In these dark times, while ambitious rivals fight over the legacy of the realm, the ancient power of the Magi has begun to stir again. Rumours whisper on the wind that Lilith Ferrum, daughter of the ancient and feared magi Lucius Ferrum, is gathering Magi and other downtrodden forces to her side, ready now after over 2 500 years to at last to avenge the defeat of her father and the massacre of so many Magi. If this is true, Kushar and the Azukian dynasty may well be among her most hated rivals, those to feel the full might of her wrath ...


The Orazim serves as the absolute monarch of the Orazimdom of Kushar, serving as head of state, the head of the military and the figurehead leader of the Hereditary denomination of the Syedist Religion. The Orazim of Kushar has been the head of the Royal House of Azuk for the past 2 580 years, ever since the common fisherman Syed united commoners and nobles alike in the anti-Magi purges. Seen as the Prophet of Ume, Syed is worshiped in much of western Nitak Neti as a saviour of the non-Magi from the demonic Magi. The heirs of Syed still rule Kushar, serving as Orazims of Kushar and as the living blood of the Prophet Syed.   Over time however, much of the real power of Kushar has come to lie with various ambitious nobles, Generals, merchants and priests, who have come to do the actual work of leading Kushar's military, running its cities and trade and promoting Heredity Syedism. This has particularly become the case in recent centuries, as the Orazim's and the Royal House of Syed has increasingly retreated behind the walls of Sapphire Palace, to live out their lives in decadent luxury in the beautiful gardens and secluded chambers of the Palace.   Metherzim Baltar, the High Priest of Ume promotes Hereditary Syedism from the Great Temple of Ume in Zhyalay. The military is led to war by the fanatically religious and experienced general Astrati Nar. Nar commands both the "Brown Shields" of the city watches, the regular troops and the Mamluqa, the elite cavalry of Kushar, who are bought as slaves and trained to be fierce and loyal warriors from a young age. The influential Merchant's Guild is headed by the fabulously wealthy Zugah Zahab. The ancient capital of Zhyalay itself is run by the Triumvirate: Astrati Nar, Zugah Zahab and Muurhat Aham. The last of the three was born into a lowly family of carpenters, but rose to a position of wealth through dodgy bets on horse racing, dog-fighting and the illegal slave fighting rings. His wealth and connections, particularly to the shady Thieves' Guild, have enabled him to take up his position of power in Zhyalay.


The Royal House of Azuk is deep in debt, due to the extravagant lifestyles of the Orazim and his royal court at Sapphire Palace. The powerful Merchants' Guild covers most of the expenses of the royal house in return for infulence. Sapphire Palace is home to many ancient and valuable treasures, those from Kushar, those taken from other nations over their millennia of conquest and those bought from other nations.


An Empire that can trace its roots back some 6 500 years, when the first farmers began to settle the fertile valley of the Salesh Ezim (The Great River). The people of the region became known as the Kusharites, and the small farming communities were steadily united by various Orams (Kings). During this time, Magi began to rise in prominence in the region.   Located at a key geographical point at the southern point of the straits of Eseena, Kushar has become a vibrant trading hub, bringing in a number of traders, resources, mercenaries and Magi. A powerful Oram, Mezer, allied with a powerful Magi of Heaven Magic, Unam, seizing control of all Kushar. Mezer had himself declared Orazim (Great King - Emperor) of the Empire of Kushar, while Unam founded the University of Magic, and had himself declared Arch-Mage.   One of Unam's later successors, Surosi, had a falling out with one of the Orazim's of Kushar, who was concerned about how powerful the Magi were becoming. Surosi and his Magi of Heavens refused to curtail their powers, leading to open conflict between the Magi and non-Magi. After a brutal conflict, Surosi and his Magi deposed the Orazim, and put his young nephew, who was fascinated by magic, on the throne in his place.     Surosi was able to master the secrets to extended life, allowing him to rule as Arch-Mage for centuries. He was finally murdered by Tesh, his own brother, who mastered the Magic of Hell and the Magic of Undeath to defeat and supplant him. Tesh would rule the land with an iron fist, building a massive army of Undead and living alike in an attempt to dominate all existence.     Tesh was eventually defeated by Suhor, Magi of Storm and son of Surosi. Suhor was aided by Lucius Ferrum, a brilliant young Magi of Heaven.     Lucius mastered all 13 Schools of Magic, and dreamed of creating a better world, a unified world, but was saddened to see constant petty infighting, bigotry and hatred based on differences as simple as race and magical skill. Seeking to unify all people, Lucius set about attempting to master control over Love and Time, the two "untouchable" magics. This attempt to bend all beings to his will made him many enemies, most prominently Suhor of the Magi and Aeris, a mighty non-Magi king. Suhor and Aeris combined fought Lucius, leading to Aeris being killed in combat. Suhor eventually imprisoned Lucius, but was killed in the process.     The brief alliance of Magi subsequently broke apart back into factions, fighting one another. Anorus, the now highest ranking Magi of Heaven, tried to reunite the Magi and restore the Magi Dominance that had characterised by Surosi's rule, massacring all remaining members of the ruling family in an effort to assert his dominance.     Bitter of millennia of Magi rule, then non-Magi, rallying behind a common fisherman named Syed, seized the opportunity to topple the divided Magi, murdering Anorus and his order and killing every Magi they could find. The remaining Magi fled into exile, hiding on the outskirts of society. In the subsequent power vacuum, the people rallied around Syed and made his Orazim of Kushar, forming the royal house of Azuk, naming him Orazim Syed the 1st.     For millennia since, the mighty house of Azuk ruled over the Empire of Kushar, building it into a might naval and trading power, with armies that conquered its rivals and brought wealth and glory to the Empire.     Yet, as time wore on and wealth grew, jealously and hatred set in. Corruption and infighting became common place in the royal court, bitter squabbles over wealth and power. The common lineage of Azuk was soon integrated into the space and mindset of the out of touch nobles, Syed's heirs soon becoming indiscernible from the wealthy he had once despised. Without a common enemy to unite them, rival groups and peoples sought their own independence, leaving the Empire to steadily fall apart.     By today, the Empire is located primarily around a group a wealthy cities along the wealthy coast and fertile Salesh Ezim river valley, the Deserts of the nation abandoned to roving bandits and rival powers. The royalty and nobility are increasingly out of touch, slowly and steadily becoming little more than wealthy benefactors for ambitious merchants, explorers and military officers, the true innovators and leaders of the Empire.


Control the Salesh Ezim river valley and much of the northern Seeras Desert. The western boundary of the Orazimdom is the western coast of the Seeras Desert where it meets the Anterean Ocean. The eastern boundary in the north western part of the Dragon Mountains. The northern boundary is the northern edge of the Seeras Desert, marking the southern shore of the Tyrian Sea. The southern boundary is the least clearly defined, incorporating all of the Salesh Ezim river valley and including a number of cities, towns and villages deeper in the Seeras Desert. The line between the territory of Kushar and that of various Seerasi tribes is often very undefined and blurry however.


The Imperial Army of Kushar consists of some 10 000 Brown Shield city guards, 3 000 of whom guard and maintain order in the capital of Zhyalay, with the remaining 7 000 spread out guarding the other various smaller cities and towns of Kushar. Another 5 000 regular forces guard Kushar's frontiers and patrol the Salesh Ezim, keeping an eye out for Seerasi bandits who sweep in from the desert to raid the farms and trade routes of Kushar. Some 1 000 elite soldiers make up the Orazim's Guard, who protect the royal residence of Sapphire Palace In total Kushar commands some 16 000 infantry, and can raise more irregulars through conscription.   There are some 2 000 Mamluqa, the elite cavalry of Kushar. The Mamluqa are bought as slaves and trained to be elite and fanatical warriors from a young age. Another 2 000 light cavalry and camel riders, most of them Seerasi tribesmen from the Seeras Desert, serve as mercenaries who patrol the boundaries of Kushar in the desert and seek vengeance against those Seerasi who raid Kushar. Kushar thus commands some 4 000 cavalry. 20 War elephants have also been trained by the Empire, but are used more for the amusement of the Royal family and their court than for war, with 2 riders firing bows from the wooden "towers" on the elephants backs, adding up to about 40 "elephant riders".   The Imperial Navy of Kushar consists of about 50 Warships, each manned by some 50 men each (2 500 sailors) and about 100 smaller patrol ships, each manned by about 30 men each (3 000 sailors). Thus the navy has about 5 500 personnel in total   In total then there are about 25 540 regular forces employed in the service of the Orazimdom of Kushar, with 20 war elephants, about 4 000 horses and camels, 50 warships and 100 patrol ships used as weapons of war.


Most Kusharites, around 80%, are Hereditary Syedists, although a number of Kusharites, about 5% follow Clerical Syedism. About 5% are Orthodox Umeists, worshiping Ume as the one true God, but rejecting the idea of Syed as his prophet. The remaining 10% of Kusharites worship older Deities and more fringe cults, with this particularly the case on the edges of Kushar, where Seerasi Desert Spirits are often worshiped, and in Zhyalay, where a vast array of religions and cults are followed, especially in the slums.

Foreign Relations

The Empire of Tamyia have long been the Orazimdom of Kushar's main rival. Kushar conquered the lands of Tamyia in 72 Age of Iron (AOI), only to lose possession of the land to 583 AOI due to an uprising by the nobles and people of Tamyia. Between about 853 AOI and 972 AOI the Tamyians and Kusharites fought a series if brutal wars against one over domination of the Tyrian Sea, in what became known as the Tyrian Wars. The Tamyians eventually gained the upper hand, pushing the Kusharites out of the Tyrian Sea. In 1023 AOI the Tamyians invaded Kushar, taking several cities, but failing to take Zhyalay. Facing further conquest of their land and the siege of Zhyalay, Kushar sided with a faction within the Tamyian Republic, agreeing to become a vassal and ally of the leader of the faction in return for being able to manage their own internal affairs. In 1358 AOI the Tamyian Empire was split in two due to becoming too large, with the Orazimdom of Kushar serving as the heart of the Southern Tamyian Empire. By 1583 AOI, while the Northern Tamyian Empire faced invasions from the north and east, the Orazimdom of Kushar rose up and reasserted its full independence, driving out the last of the garrison loyal to Tamyia. After the Tamyian Empire stabilised in 1703 AOI, in part thanks to aid from Kushar, who did not want to see the wealth of Tamyia fall into the hands of "Savages", Tamyian - Kusharite relations turned to more of a trade rivalry, than one of war.   Kushar is in a trade relationship with the anti-Magi Clerical Syedist nations, including the Empire of Tamyia, the Kingdom of Rabdon and the Tsardom of Enok (to the north) and the City State of Urda (to the east). Kushar is also in a trade relationship with the anti-Magi Kingdom of Kondago (to the south), Empire of Khalija (to the south east), Empire of Zuan Guo and the Shogunate of Yoaketochi (to the east).   The Orazimdom of Kushar has long been at war with the Magi, setting out on numerous brutal Magi purges. The remnants of the Bringers of Glory located on the frigid north eastern island of Malaa are the ongoing arch-enemy of the Orazimdom.


Only the wealthy elite (royalty, nobility and merchants) receive proper education, mostly by private tutors. Orphans receive religious education in orphanages run by the Sisters of the Syed, the female counterparts of the Priests of the Temple of Syed, although this education is more about making these orphans effective tools to help spread Hereditary Syedism.   The Mamluqa are bought as slaves when they are very young and trained to be ruthless and fanatical warriors over years of hard and brutal training.

Strength in Unity

Founding Date
The Empire can trace its roots back some 6 500 years, back to about 4 000 years before the end of the Age of Magic. The Azukian Dynasty has ruled it for 2 580 years.
Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
Kushar, the Ancient Empire, the Empire of Sand
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
A Golden Sun is the most valuable coin in Kushar. A Silver Scale (silver coin with a fish cast into it) is the second most valuable. 200 Silver Scales are worth 1 Golden Sun. A Copper is the least valuable coin. 50 coppers are worth 1 Silver Scale. Thus 10 000 Coppers are worth 1 Golden Sun.   One Copper buys a slice of bread. Two Coppers buy a bowl of gruel. Three Coppers buy a loaf of bread.   Renting a small cramped room in the slums of Zhyalay often costs about fifteen Silver Scales per day. The toll for passing through the gates of Zhyalay is Six Silver Scales per person, or more if you need to bribe your way through or wish to bribe your way through a fast track line. Renting a well made up room in a respectable Inn in Zhyalay behind the walls often costs about 100 Silver Scales or more per day (or one Golden Sun for two days). Renting luxury quarters at a Pleasure Palace often costs ten Golden Suns or more a day. It is said that the Orazim spends the equivalent of about 50 Golden Suns on a daily basis on food, clothes, entertainers, and other lavishes for himself and his family. This amounts to about 18 250 Golden Suns a year, almost double what the 10 000 or so low level "Brown Shield" watchmen are paid annually.   "Brown Shield" City Watchmen earn 50 Silver Scales a Season, adding up to one Golden Sun a year. They get cramped accommodation in the Watchmen Barracks and are fed three meals of bread and gruel a day for their services.
Major Exports
Wheat, barley, salt, wine, gold, silver, diamonds, animals, pelts, ivory, slaves, arcane trinkets
Major Imports
Slaves, silk, spice, wine, animals
Legislative Body
The Merchant's Guild, Council of Nobles, Brotherhood of Priests and War Council all "advise" the Orazim on what policies to adopt, laws to declare and military actions to take. Ultimately the Orazim himself declares the laws, policies and geopolitical actions that the Orazimdom of Kushar will declare.
Judicial Body
Local Magistrates are appointed by City and town governors. They are often Syedist Priests or military officers.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories
Related Ethnicities

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