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This setting is a modern-futuristic-fantasy world where industrial technology such as cars, radios and aircraft's exist in a realm full of civilisation as grand and fantastical as Tolkien's imaginings collided with ancient Greek mythology& The imaginings of Hajime Tabata & Hayao Miyazaki.   The Campaign follows the Human bastard princess Annamilia Deus, Her trusted Human Shield Geni Devereux who is sworn to protect her. They are accompanied by a Half-Orc who is suffering from amnesia named Philex, who is under custody by Geni, Orcs are not trusted in this world and a half-orc is even more suspicious due to there being no recorded history of Half-Orcs being born. Gideon a noble bard from the rivaling continent of Nilhelm joins the group in search of his brother.

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