Wu'arkata Species in Nirmir | World Anvil
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Wu'arkata (Woo-ka)

The Wu'arkata are a race of lizard people. They live with the other arkata races in the Særian desert. They were traded for materials from 3421YBC up to present day. They have 2 other subspecies that are techentcally in the same class but are different enough that I think I should put them into a different article. They live in the oases and near the river in the Særian desert.

Basic Information


The Wu'ka have 2 arms and legs with a tail. They have thick scaly skin with strong muscles

Biological Traits

The average Wu'arkata lived long lives around 120 year. They are around the same height as most other species in the world and weighed more than humans but not by a lot.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Most Wu'arkata lived in the oasises in the Særian desert. They can also be found along the river and marshes there as well.

Civilization and Culture


They used to be actual members of the serpent society until the elven expansion when they were sold into slavery.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Scientific Name
lizara sapiens
Croca'akrtata and Alli'arkata
120 years
Average Height
5'9ft-6'0 ft
Average Weight
150-170 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Wu'ka were usually green, grey, and red with some being black, white, and orange.
Geographic Distribution
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