Orc Species in Nirmir | World Anvil
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Orcs are big tough people who lived in tribal nations around the Særian desert. They started out in Dagrim however, they were forced to leave and migrate to their new land. In Dagrim they had an orderly civilization but it was destroyed by the dwarves. They are common mercenaries that were very good at their job. They have one of the lowest life expectencies at the age of 60 years.

Basic Information


Orcs have 2 arms and legs. They have a strong muscular structure and even have tough skin.

Biological Traits

An orc has 4 large teeth around the edges of its mouth. The average orc live around 58-62 years old. They are usually 5'6-6'7 ft tall and weigh 230-340 pounds.

Growth Rate & Stages

The orcish child is 0-6 years old. The teen is 7-15 years. Adults are 15-54 years. Elders and 55 and up.

Ecology and Habitats

They origionally lived in the tunra of Dagrim but now live in the savannahs of the Særian desert.
Scientific Name
Orcia Sapiens
60 years
Average Height
5'6-6'7 ft
Average Weight
230-340 lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Most orcs are shades of green but rarely found grey.

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