Lumu Empire Organization in Nirmir | World Anvil
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Lumu Empire (Loo-Moo)

The lumu empire was the first major empire of the humans. It was founded in 0 YSC and quickly grew powerful in northern Freger. In 102 YSC they sent missonaries to try and convert all of the other tribes in Freger to join their ways and they were suprisingly successfull. They were dissmantaled in 245 YSC because of an economic crash. They made Freger more conntected with roads.


The Lumu empire was a Theocratic empire that belived that the humans should unite under one set of gods and be one nation. The emperor had absolute power over the international affairs but most of the laws were made by the heigh preist. Each city in the empire had on Deity that they worshiped.


They belived that the humans should unite as one country. They also wanted the world to be under one set of gods.


the empire had a large trade of iron and silver ores. They also had large temples that were important to the empire.


The empire was founded in 0 YSC and grew rapidly. They sent out missonaries to try and convert the tribes to their religion and got all the way to what would be Onirod. The southern territories however hated the fact that they wanted them to convert. This caused tension between most of the empires that were built in those lands. They had a golden age from 167 YSC- 230 YSC. After their golden age most of their economy crashed and they offically collasped in 245 YSC.


Their dissbandment was a volentary thing each of the cities did. They decided to split when the empire was in dicline.

Home of the Humans

0 - 259

Government, Leadership
Alternative Names
First empire of the world
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
The official currency of the empire were jemstones.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Related Species

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