Nesserian Ethnicity in Nimbaar | World Anvil
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Nesserians are precise, honest, and patriotic. They value physical strenght and organization.
Outside the battlefield, they have an hard time adapting to chaotic and disorganized situations.
Most of them are humans, but there are also a good number of nesserian kalashtars, shifters and half-orcs.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Alwine, Burghild, Charlotte, Edelgard, Gerwine, Heilwig, Ingfried, Merlind, Reinhild, Sunnhild

Masculine names

Alberich, Baldwin, Elric, Harald, Ingmar, Gerwin, Lambert, Siegfried, Reingard, Walfried

Family names

Noble families' names usually are formed by the word "von" and the name of the territory in which they hold power. For example, the royal family is the von Nesser family.


Shared customary codes and values

Nesserians value physical prowess and skill in combat. Many of them start training really young and continue to do so for their whole lives.
Nesserians give a great importance to organization and everything that comes with it, like precision and punctuality.
They hate improvising.

Common Etiquette rules

Nesserians are very formal and rigid in everything they do.
Regardless of the social class, and the relationship that binds them, they salute each other by shaking hands.
They consider shameful arriving late to a meeting, and even worse showing up somewhere uninvited.
They don't like to show emotion in public, nor to manifest physically how they are feeling.

Common Dress code

Nesserians clothes are simple and confortable. Both men and women wear trousers in their everyday lives.
Professional soldiers take great care of their uniforms, and wear them in formal occasions.
Nobles that want to wear something nice that's different from a uniform, need to import dresses from somewhere else.

Art & Architecture

The sound of military drums, and the stone inscription celebrating victories are the only types of art that nesserians need.
Their architecture is simple and functional; important buildings are just bigger than the rest, but not particularly refined.
Nesserians prefer regular shapes and neutral colors.

Coming of Age Rites

The conscription into military service is the main coming of age ritual.


Beauty Ideals

Nesserian humans set the standards of beauty in the kingdom.
Both men and women are considered beautiful if they are tall, muscular, fair of skin and blond of hair.
The current fashion is to keep hair short, for both men and women.
Men don't usually grow a beard, although mustache are considered elegant on older men.

Relationship Ideals

Nesserians are not considered particularly sociable. They tend to hide their feeling, and are not particularly romantic.
Love and friendship for nesserians usually stem from reciprocal respect and appreciation for the other's skills, rather than some unexplainable feeling.
Gaining the respect, the friendship or the love of a nesserian is hard, but, once obtained, it lasts for life.

Major organizations

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