Abo-gowa Geographic Location in Nihon-sei | World Anvil
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The Abo-gawa river seems nothing more than one of the numerous rivers across Nihon-sei at first. However, first glances can be deciving...


The Abo-gowa passes through the deep fir forests of Dokkahia, its cold, flowing waters adding to the solitude and tranquility of the forest.


Many woodland creatures in Northern Dokkahia rely on the Abo-gowa to provide water and feast off the fish that swim through it. However, fish aren't the only thing lurking. Many River Kappa make the river their home, and prey on deer and lonely travelers alike.

Localized Phenomena

Some who spend to much time around the Abo-gowa claim to hear the laughter of fey creatures, and the whispers of fallen warriors when near bodies of water, but no means exist to verify this claim.


The history of the Abp-gowa is unclear, and vauge at best. However, at least one battle was faught at it shores. Hundreds of years ago, the Battle of the Orange Roses was fought between during the Awia Rebellion, when an uneasy allince was formed with the brutal River Kappa to quell the rebellion.
This is my entry for the Rivers and Waterways challenge.

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Jun 2, 2022 14:21

Ah kappas that seems like a good match for a world called Nihon-sei :)

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!