The Apartment: 3844 S Hustin St Building / Landmark in Night City Rises | World Anvil
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The Apartment: 3844 S Hustin St

The apartment building at 3844 S Hustin Street is narrow 6 story concrete walk-up containing a total of 48 units. It's nothing special, from the street.   This building lies in the University District and is one of the few non–Corporate owned apartments in Night City. It sits four blocks away from the Combat Zone. It's not a safe neighborhood, but it provides an affordable place to crash.   A heavy steel security gate on squeaky hinges used to protect the front door and stooped entry, the locking mechanism was broken a long time ago. While an old spring keeps the door closed generally. In stormy weather sometimes a gust will loudly fling it open or closed. And whenever someone passes through the gate, it clangs loudly as it shuts.   The main entry door behind the gate has been forced open a number of times over the years such that the jam has been reduced to a splintered mess.   The roof has a view of the city that could be on a postcard.   The building is consistently at full occupancy, and most tenants are nearly caught up on their rent. Their rent helps cover the most-needed repairs and bribes (primarily arranged through the local fixer, Rex) needed to keep the building safe, and it all breaks even, barely.
This close to the Combat Zone, nobody comes to collect property taxes, which helps. The downside of this is that there are no government services available in the area. So long as the relevant Fixer (Rex) is paid, most of the boostergangs don’t bother the building’s inhabitants. It’s a good situation, and paradise when compared to the rest of Night City.
Apartment building / Tenament
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